Member-only story
I don’t usually share my creative scribblings publicly, but I’ve been so engulfed in the news unfolding across the Atlantic, that I decided to add my tiny voice to the cacophonic, murky conversation.
I do it partly to assuage my guilty conscience for having fallen for the slew of conspiracy theories that have erupted in our cyber pseudo-reality in 2016 (and before), effectively turning what was left of the real into the surreal.
For the record — I did not vote.
For those of you who may say that I’m straying from the predominant theme of my blog I firmly say — I do not. What we are witnessing live is the violent decomposition of a clinical narcissist. So this is very much on topic ;-)
So with this clink, I drop my penny into the donation box and offer a vision of events, which I wholeheartedly hope will come to fruition.
Here for you is a poem I recently wrote for a university assignment.
PROMPT: write a sequence of events in any form, backwards.
He falls, barely standing
The world exhales
Those in favor cheer
After the verdict’s cast.