How do I find my life purpose?

Soul GPS
2 min readAug 23, 2021


Is it even possible to find it in a world jammed with conflicting information, endless demands and so much confusion?

Yes, it’s possible to discover your life purpose. A big affirmative yes. And there is no one better to tap for advice than the bestselling author of book on the subject, Tama Kieves.

I remember years ago when I was trapped in a life that didn’t feel right, a job I didn’t like and in a relationship that was toxic without having a clue how to exit the sticky web.

I read about other people who made it. And it both inspired and infuriated me. I needed answers. So I asked and waited... And then asked and waited some more.

I was lucky to work downtown Palo Alto with a Borders bookstore 3 minutes from my office. That’s where I’d escape to catch some air on the particularly stifling days.

One day I looked up and saw it. The book that provided not only the answers on how to un-trap myself but also a spark of inspiration. And then another. Until there was a bonfire burning inside my heart.

Tama’s story imbued me with faith that I can do this. So I got to work.

This was 2008. Fast-forward to 2021…

I did free myself. From all of it — the unfulfilling life, the job and the relationship. But there was more. I found my life purpose. And today I want to help you to discover yours too.

As part of our work in the world of healing, Tama and I decided to collaborate on a video. The result of our union is in the link below.

💟 May it inspire your Soul and set your Heart on Fire.



Soul GPS
Soul GPS

Written by Soul GPS

Certified coach and workshop facilitator, sharing tools for healing from narcissistic abuse and chronic pain. #coach #writer

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